If you are pregnant and considering adoption, you probably have many adoption questions. You probably need to know how to get started. You may wonder how the adoption process works. Did you know that with modern adoption, you can receive updates, photos, and even occasional visits after the adoption? You don’t have to say “goodbye” to your baby forever.

There may also be some resources you are in need of, and you would like to know how to access the help you need. Depending on the laws in your state, you may even be able to get some help with pregnancy-related expenses. An adoption coordinator will be by your side, helping you navigate the adoption process.

Here are some short videos that help to answer some common adoption questions women have about the adoption process. We offer them here in English and Spanish. Remember, you can always call or text us anytime with your adoption questions or concerns. We are here to help you!

¿Qué es la adopción abierta?

¿Cómo funciona el proceso de adopción?

¿Cuál es el primer paso para mí?

What is Open Adoption?

How Does the Adoption Process Work?

What is the first step for me?
After watching these videos, you may still have some additional questions. You can call or text an adoption coordinator 24/7. We are always here to answer your questions and talk about any concerns you may have.

If you are pregnant or thinking about adoption for your child and want to talk to a caring adoption coordinator, call or text us anytime, even right now! 1-800-923-6784. Our compassionate and caring coordinators will always support you and your decision. We can provide you with valuable resources and answer any questions you have. There are many reasons women choose adoption, and specifying faith is one of the reasons we often hear from Hispanic and Latino women.

Amy called our adoption coordinator one day with a lot of questions about getting money if she placed her baby for adoption. She had some great questions that a lot of women thinking about adoption have so we want to share some answers to the most frequently asked questions about receiving financial assistance when choosing adoption.

Questions About Adoption Expenses

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    How much money can I get for putting my baby up for adoption?

    You cannot be paid for putting your baby up for adoption. The fact is it is illegal to take money in exchange for your baby. However, in some states, it is possible to receive help with pregnancy-related expenses during your pregnancy and sometimes up to a month after you give birth. This is regulated on a state-by-state basis.

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    Can adoption agencies or adoptive families pay me directly for any expenses I ask for?

    Every state has adoption laws regarding birth mothers’ payments. In general, payments for housing, utilities, and other bills are made directly to the landlord or company. There may be some living expenses paid directly to the birth mother but this is generally regulated by an adoption lawyer, adoption professional, or social worker.

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    How much financial assistance can I get if I am placing my baby for adoption?

    The amount of assistance you can receive varies from state to state. Some states may only allow the court and medical-related costs, while others allow for living expenses.

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    My baby is six months old and I want to place him for adoption. Can I get money to place him?

    No, you cannot receive money for placing a child who is already born. Placing your child for adoption will not cost you anything, as all legal expenses will be paid, but you cannot receive money.

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    What happens if I change my mind when I give birth and decide to parent? Do I have to repay the money I received?

    Again, this depends on the state you live in. Most states except Idaho and Puerto Rico do not require you to repay the money. Check online or with an adoption professional to understand the laws in your state. It is very important to really take the time to consider adoption before committing to a family. Consider counseling if you are feeling unsure of your decision.

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    If I need counseling, do I have to pay for that?

    When choosing an adoption professional to help you with your adoption, be sure to choose one that offers free counseling during your pregnancy as well as after the adoption is final. You may find professional counseling helpful or peer counseling, where you can speak with a birth mother who knows what you are going through. You should feel you are receiving the best support possible.

preguntas sobre gastos de adopcion

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    ¿Cuánto dinero puedo obtener por dar a mi bebé en adopción?

    No se te puede pagar por dar a tu bebé en adopción. En efecto, es ilegal aceptar dinero a cambio de tu bebé. Sin embargo, en algunos estados, es posible recibir ayuda con los gastos relacionados con el embarazo, durante el embarazo y algunas veces, hasta un mes después del parto. Esto esta regulado por cada estado.

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    ¿Cuáles son los gastos relacionados con el embarazo?

    Los gastos relacionados con el embarazo varían de un estado a otro, pero generalmente cubren el alquiler, servicios públicos, alimentos, transporte y gastos médicos una vez que la madre de nacimiento y la familia adoptiva deciden seguir adelante juntas con la adopción y, en algunos casos, hasta un mes después del nacimiento del bebe.

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    ¿Pueden las agencias de adopción, o las familias adoptivas pagarme directamente por cualquier gasto que solicite?

    Cada estado tiene leyes de adopción con respecto a los pagos de las madres biológicas. En general, los pagos de vivienda, utilidades y otras facturas se realizan directamente al arrendador, o a la empresa. Puede haber algunos gastos pagados directamente a la madre biológica, pero esto generalmente está regulado por un abogado de adopciones, un profesional de adopciones o un trabajador social.

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    ¿Cuánta asistencia financiera puedo obtener si doy a mi bebé en adopción?

    La cantidad de asistencia que puedes recibir varía de un estado a otro. Podría ser que algunos estados solo permitan los costos relacionados con la corte y gastos médicos, mientras que otros permiten otros gastos.

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    Mi bebé tiene seis meses y quiero darlo en adopción. ¿Puedo obtener dinero por colocarlo?

    No, no puedes recibir dinero por colocar a un niño que ya nació. Dar a tu hijo en adopción no le costará nada, ya que se pagarán todos los gastos legales, pero tú no puedes recibir dinero.

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    Además del dinero para los gastos relacionados con el embarazo, ¿hay alguna otra ayuda disponible?

    Hay ayuda disponible a través de organizaciones como Birth Mother Blessings, que pueden proveer ropa de maternidad, bolsas de parto y otros artículos que te ayuden para que puedas salir adelante en el embarazo. Hasta puedes recibir becas a través de organizaciones como Lifetime Foundation.

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    ¿Qué sucede si cambio de opinión cuando doy a luz y decido ser madre? ¿Tengo que devolver el dinero que he recibido?

    Una vez más, esto depende del estado en el que vivas. La mayoría de los estados, excepto Idaho y Puerto Rico, no requieren que devuelvas el dinero. Consulta en línea o con un profesional de adopción para comprender las leyes de su estado. Es muy importante realmente que te tomes el tiempo para considerar la adopción, antes de comprometerte con una familia. Considera un asesoramiento, si no te sientes segura de tu decisión.

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    Si necesito consejería, ¿tengo que pagar por eso?

    Cuando elijes un profesional de adopción para ayudarte con tu adopción, asegúrate de elegir alguien que brinde asesoramiento gratuito durante tu embarazo y después de que la adopción finalice. Puedes encontrar asesoramiento profesional dispuesto a ayudarte, o el asesoramiento de pares, donde puedes hablar con una madre de nacimiento que sabe por lo que estás pasando. Debes sentir que estás recibiendo el mejor apoyo posible.

Questions About My Baby or Child

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    Could I be deported if I do adoption?

    No, choosing adoption for your child will not lead to your deportation. Your current immigration status does not affect your ability to create a safe adoption plan for your baby. You have the right to choose a family for your baby and create a hospital plan while knowing your information will be kept private and confidential. You can choose adoption for your baby, regardless of your immigration status.

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    I’m pregnant and afraid that if I go to the doctor or hospital they will report me. Will they?

    Being undocumented and pregnant causes some women to fear that they will be reported if they go to a doctor or hospital. You can be sure that your doctor or hospital will not report you to any immigration representative or government office. HIPAA privacy laws are very clear and prohibit healthcare providers from sharing any patient information to anyone without the written consent of the patient

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    Am I eligible for financial assistance if I’m undocumented?

    Yes, financial assistance is available even if you are undocumented. You will find in some states, for instance, California, you may be eligible for programs such as WIC and Medi-Cal. Each state has its own lows regarding pregnancy-related expenses when choosing adoption, but don’t worry, your adoption coordinator will help you find the resources you need in your state.

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    I’m scared that I will be arrested if do adoption and am undocumented? Will I?

    No, you do not need to fear that you will be arrested if you choose adoption for your baby. Your ability to create an adoption plan for your baby is not affected by your immigration status. If your baby is born in the U.S., you have the right to choose what is best for you and your baby. You can be sure the entire adoption process will be completely private and confidential.

    As an undocumented pregnant woman, you have the same rights as any other mother who is choosing adoption for her baby. With modern adoption, you choose the family for your baby. If you want a Hispanic family or a family that lives in your state, it is up to you. You can decide how your delivery will go at the hospital and even create a post-adoption contact agreement with the adoptive family. With this agreement, you can decide what contact such as shared photos, social media contact, updates, and even occasional visits you want in the future.